In case you weren't already aware, I'm a bit of a cynic...which makes the whole positive thing a little difficult for me.
But, as well as being a chronic cynic, I'm also not known for my ability to give up on anything I set my mind to do. While previously this may have lead to me being seen as stubborn or hard headed, I'm hoping that I can put a more positive spin on it.
I first became involved with studying the Law of Attraction through what some might call total accident. Until that point, I was familiar with the book The Secret, and vaguely familiar with the principles in which it spoke. It was on the short list of books that I intended to pick up, yet for some reason never did. Perhaps I was unwilling to buy into the hype surrounding the book, or perhaps I was just too lazy to actually drive to the book store. Regardless, I had put it off.
Then, sometime later, I read a post on a message board which spoke about the Law of Attraction. My curiosity started to get the better of me, and I began to dig a little deeper.
For months I had been consciously telling myself that I needed to change. That somehow, in some way, I needed to become a different - better - person. That my old habits were doing me no favors, that I was reaching an age where it was time to get my butt in gear or risk losing the few golden opportunities that I had left. Then, accidentally, I stumbled upon words which made total sense to me.
Basically, in their simplest form, the words were this:
What goes around, comes around.
It seems funny to type that out. I mean come on, could I be anymore cliche with my major revelation about life? But that is essentially what the Law of Attraction says - that whatever energy you produce will attract like energy.
If you feel like you're're broke.
If you feel like you're surrounded by butt heads....then you're surrounded by butt heads.
If you feel like your life is doing a quick swirlie down into toilet bowl hell....well grab a snorkel, cause that's exactly where you're headed.
The point is that if you think it, if you feel it, then it is. Simple as that.
I read the words, then read them again, nodding my head in agreement.
Yep, I was broke.
Yep, butt heads everywhere.
Yep, where'd I put that snorkel anyway?
So if I thought all of these things....and they were indeed the reality I was experiencing. Then what might happen if I started to change the way that I thought?
What if I could change my outlook to reflect the way I envisioned my life being?
And there begins the journey I'm now use the Law of Attraction to work in the ways I want it to work, and attract the things that I would like to attract....
I'll let you know how it goes.
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