Friday, June 12, 2009

Word Shortage

I go through these phases when I suffer from a shortage of words.

Normally I'll sit at my desk and pray for a quiet moment.
A single solitary moment when the television isn't blaring...
When there isn't a line formed at the doorway with members of my family waiting to talk to me about something...
When there isn't twelve other things that need to be done all at the same time...
Normally those solitary moments are so few and far between that when they finally arrive I have no earthly idea how or what to do with them.

I was sitting at my desk just a few minutes ago. My son was reading in the living room. My daughter had gone to the baseball park to meet up with some friends. The house, for a solitary moment, was silent.

I checked my email.
Still silence...
I visited a few regular sites.
Still silence...
I knitted a bit on the scarf that I'll most probably never wear.
Still silence...

For a single solitary moment, I was bored.

Then a thought occured to me: "You should really use this time to write something."

But what?

I pondered a bit trying to think of something crafty and creative to write about.

I was coming up with nada.

Then another thought occured to me: "It's always easier to write once you start writing."

It seems a bit silly when you think about it...but really it's true. Writing is a lot like cleaning the house, it seems like a daunting that you'll never that you aren't even sure how to start...but once you start doing it then it suddenly gets a lot easier.

I grabbed my handy dandy tiny computer and relocated myself from the silence and moved outside where I became immediately surrounded by the sounds of people mowing grass and small children playing....
As it turns out, it wasn't a solitary moment of silence that I needed in order to overcome the word shortage...

It was just a change of scenery...

And a small adjustment to my attitude.

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